EKTIMIS Respect in the Workplace Business Solutions

The EKTIMIS Respect in the Workplace - Business Cultural Transformation Program is a comprehensive program available to businesses and organizations in support of effective leadership in the workplace, ethical workplace practices, workplace cultural development and transformation, as well as workforce diversity management and support. This innovative research-based program is made up of three major components that are designed to support active organizational leadership efforts. The three components are: Foundational component, Reinforcement component, and Sustainment component.

EKTIMIS Respect in the Workplace Business Framework

This multi-tier approach engages several of our individual product solutions and focuses on personal transformation, in tandem with respect in the workplace and respectful workplace cultural transformation, as a means to achieving overall organizational cultural transformation. Furthermore, this approach helps to preserve gains from prior, or existing, cultural training and education.

In addition, this program will support your organization's effort and preserve your organization's investment in the following areas:

  • Ongoing, or recent Workplace Cultural Transformation
  • Cultivating Respect in the Workplace
  • Leadership Development
  • Workforce Diversity Management and Support
  • Workplace Cultural Intervention

To learn more about this program and how it may benefit your organization, feel free to reach us using the Contact Us Form. Thank you.

Tip: Read the article, 5 Potentially Bad Habits of a Diverse Workforce, in the EKTIMIS Articles Library.

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