This edition of the respect speaking program is tailored for elementary, middle, and high schools - and the young population they hold. With virtually all K-12 educational institutions supporting an increasingly diverse student body, the topic of respect has become very important. Issues such as bullying, cyber-bullying, social stigma, as well as online social media abuse on the rise, this program will speak to the issue of mutual respect as a mitigating factor.In this program the speaker introduces the powerful concept of respect as the cornerstone of a healthy community culture. Respect is presented in a simplified new light, covering the basic concepts that govern respect, the principles that govern factors that explain the way you gain and lose respect, and the practices that enable a person to maintain respect - in an increasingly diverse environment. All the principles and concepts presented are research-based and are rooted in the EKTIMIS Respect Model - a powerful framework for learning and teaching respect (developed by N. Taiwo).
The speaker engages the use of age-appropriate, relatable stories and examples to illustrate each aspect of this insightful topic. Audiences will be engaged (in a fun way) and will leave inspired, renewed, and energized - with a positive shift in attitude.